Take Exit # 11 off Highway 101 (Greenwich); turn right (if coming from the west), or left (if coming from the east), off ramp; drive down connector road to traffic lights at bottom of hill (intersection with Highway 1); go straight through lights (route 358), and follow this road until you enter village of Canning (about 10 km); as you enter village, turn right at T-intersection, and drive straight through village; upon exiting village, turn left on to Pereau Road; garden is about 500 m up the road, on left.
Orders can be placed by e-mail, phone, or through regular post. All plants are on a first-come first-serve basis, and all plants are in a limited supply. In order to reserve plants, payment must accompany your order. Please include a list of acceptable substitute plants in case all available numbers have been filled already. All orders must be received by May 1, 2012. Orders will be shipped during the first week of June. Please see shipping details below.
Please do not send money through the mail. Money orders, cheques, VISA or Master Card are all acceptable methods of payment. If you place your order via e-mail, do NOT include your credit card information in the e-mail. Please phone 902-582-7966 or 902-582-7320 and impart your credit card information over the phone, directly to us.
Phone: 902-582-7966 (wayne) Or 902-582-7320 (Ryan)
Mailing Address: Canning Daylily Gardens, 165 Pereau Road, RR # 2 Canning, NS, Canada B0P 1H0
SHIPPING RATES: All orders will be shipped Express Post, early in the week so plants arrive before the weekend.
(a) Atlantic Provinces - $12.00 plus $.30 per plant handling fee
(b) Quebec & Ontario - $16.00 plus $.30 per plant handling fee
(c) Manitoba & west - $20.00 plus $.30 per plant handling fee
All fee's are subject to change at any given time